English EN Čeština CZ


Excellent service and consultancy on supplied and other lubricants, consultation of lubrication problems, substitution of lubricants from abroad, analysis of oils with evaluation of their condition, expert opinions and much more.

Customized production

In some cases, when commercially available lubricants are not suitable for certain applications and special lubricants are too expensive, we prepare customized lubricants according to the requirements of the friction node. In this way, high operating economy and trouble-free operation can be achieved. These lubricants are produced by agreement with the customer either as small tonnage varieties or also only in laboratory quantities.

Lubricant supply and lubrication consultancy

For the products supplied and not only for them, we offer advice in the field of tribotechnics, i.e. in the area of both the lubricants themselves and their application methods. This applies in particular to:

-Diagnosis of customer requirements and needs.
-Selection and design of the appropriate type of lubricant for a given friction knot.
-Selection of a suitable equivalent replacement lubricant if the customer considers this solution to be practical and economically viable for some reason.
-Preparation of a quotation, including individual terms and conditions.
-Stable price levels for the products and services supplied.
-Distribution of quality lubricants from leading domestic and international manufacturers, including special lubricants of our own production.
-Provision of non-standard lubricants that are not commonly represented on the Czech market.
-Sales of a complete range of poured oils at the company's headquarters.
-A wide range of complementary assortment of car chemistry, car cosmetics, service means, oil filters, lubrication equipment, means for liquidation of oil accidents, etc.
-Operational and flexible supply according to customer's requirements (within 24 hours if necessary).
-Transportation to the destination throughout the country.
-Delivery of lubricants abroad

Lubricant analyses

As part of our comprehensive care, we provide laboratory analyses of lubricants according to customer needs and requirements.
This service is not conditional on taking lubricants from our company.

-Determination of basic physicochemical indicators of lubricants in our laboratory.
-Complete analysis of lubricants in an accredited laboratory.
-Evaluation and assessment of the analysis parameters and proposal of further solutions.

Filtration of oils

For both our own and foreign customers, we provide a used oil filtration service, including the evaluation of impurities before and after filtration.
Two methods are available:

-Flow filtration with a filtration unit with a flow rate of up to 30 l/min (depending on oil viscosity) and a filtration capacity of up to 5µm.
-Bypass microfiltration up to 1 µm with moisture and water collection.

Disposal of used lubricants

According to the statutory changes in the field of used oils, our company is no longer subject to the obligation to take back used oils, nor are we authorised to do so as of 1 October 2015. According to the established facts, the obligation to dispose of hazardous waste is hereby transferred to the person whose activity generates the waste and who is obliged to hand it over to an authorised person. We therefore recommend contacting companies that deal with the disposal of waste and have the relevant authorisations.

In our area we recommend: KAISERSERVIS http://www.kaiserservis.cz/ 

Citizens can drop off this type of waste free of charge at collection yards. Another option is to take advantage of regular hazardous waste collections organised by the municipality/city.

Contact us

Do you have a general question or are you interested in something specific? Do not hesitate to contact us, we will get back to you right away!

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